In 2009 The Design Council found that despite a majority of design students being female, only 40% of professional designers are women. There are many support systems in Northern Ireland that have been created in order to help bridge the gap between the many differences of males and females in the design field, including the fact that only 11% of design business leaders are women and in 2017, Sphere found that there is still a 28% wage gap in the creative sector.
- Lean In Belfast is a company - inspired by the book of the same name - that offers support and opportunity to women and men in Belfast with the aim encouraging people to achieve dreams while overcoming challenges. Once a month, Lean In Belfast runs meet-ups on topics that are currently of interest.
- Women in Business NI is the fastest growing network for female entrepreneurs and business leaders in Northern Ireland. They want to equip women with skills needed to start and grow business with the use of membership, funding and training.
- Ladies Wine and Design was created by Jessica Walsh, which within a year spread over 120 countries across the world. Alice Kearney hosts the LW&D events in Belfast including salon nights with activities such as Drink and Draw and Printmaking workshop. The events include casual conversations on a wide variety of topics relating to creativity, business, and life.
- Go Girl believe in nurturing creative networks in order to understand, respect and support women through events and hang-outs.