Can you tell us a bit about your business/work?
Wolfkind is a 'down to earth' luxury ethical vegan dog ware brand. As a brand we value being kind to the earth, people and animals. We are passionate about using ethical and sustainably sourced materials. From locally grown Irish linen to pinatex (pineapple leaf fibre) from the Philippines.
Can you tell us a bit about yourself and what inspired you to set up your own business?
I am Rebecca from Belfast, founder of Wolfkind with my husband Stephen. Art and design was the only subject I really loved and did well in at school. At the end of my last year of school I started to really hate my own art work and I declined my offers to art school. I was a perfectionist and I sure wasn’t kind to myself. I went on a completely different journey for years away from art and design. I moved away from N.Ireland and I spent some of this time in Jordan working with Syrian refugees. It was there I started to think a lot about the state of the world and desired to learn about sustainable development. I returned home and completed my Masters in Sustainable Development at Queens University where I focused a lot of my time researching the fast fashion industry. It felt like a lightbulb moment, my love for fashion design was awakening again alongside my passion for sustainable development. And so Wolfkind was created out of a pursuit of sustainable living and passion for design and dogs after the recent arrival of our golden retriever puppy Merlot 'the model’.
What/who influences/motivates you?
Honestly one of the biggest motivators for me was the Rana Plaza factory collapsing in Bangledesh in 2013, killing 1,134 people, named a “mass industrial homicide”. To think people are still working in these kind of conditions today is shocking and I want to be part of that resistance to do things in a better way. A person who influences me would be Dr. Carmen Hijosa, ethical entrepreneur. Dr Hijosa was a leather good expert who was driven to research and produce a more sustainable alternative to leather because of the shocking impact she witnessed mass leather production and chemical tanning having on the environment. After years of R&D she produced a material called Pinatex, made from pineapple leaf fibre. I am always being inspired by nature looking at new natural materials and innovative products inspired my nature’s design.
What has been your biggest hurdle and your proudest moment or accomplishment with your business so far?
My biggest hurdle so far is defiantly just starting something. I am one of those people who has a constant stream of new ideas dropping into their mind everyday which can be very overwhelming when you don’t know where to start or which one to start with. Lockdown really helped me narrow down my options. I already had the the pinatex material in my home and an adorable golden retriever puppy ready to model my designs.
Could you give some advice for any young, emerging entrepreneurs
100% don’t be afraid of getting it wrong and be kind to yourself. Don’t let your ideas just stay in your head get them into the real world. If you have more than one idea, get honest with yourself and see where you are most passionate and if you are equally passionate about more than one idea take steps to try out a few ideas and see how they develop. If one isn’t working or you need to change direction, be ok with it. You are free to do that. Take action and be kind to yourself.
Instagram : @thewolfkind