This week is all about permission slips

This week is all about giving yourself permission to go in the direction that you want. Often we hold ourselves back or don’t give ourselves permission to fully commit to the goals that we have set for ourselves.

Maybe we don’t give ourselves permission to feel joy or to be excited about the things that really excite us. Giving ourselves permission to succeed is one of the key steps in life & business that we need to do. 


What is a permission slip?

Permission slip - A permission slip is when a person in authority allows someone to do something. For example, when a parent signs a paper allowing their child to go on a field trip. For personal permission slips, you are in charge of your own behaviour – so you’re giving yourself permission to feel or act a certain way. It is setting an intention for how you want to behave in difficult situations.



examples of permission slips

  • Permission to say ‘no’. Saying ‘no’ is very hard for many of us but it is one of the healthiest and most important things we can do. For ourselves. For those, we care about. When we say ‘no’, we free up time and energy for the more important ‘yes’ aspects of our lives.

  • Permission to invest in ourselves. This could be an investment of time, money, or effort. This could be an investment in education, a massage, a day off, or a cleaning person for your home. When we slow down long enough to consider our needs, ideas for investing in ourselves surface. Investing in ourselves typically yields many positive returns for everyone within our circle of influence.

  • Permission to trust ourselves. You have your answers. You know what resonates deeply within you and what doesn’t. You know what energizes you and what doesn’t. You know when you’re feeling tuned in, tapped in, and turned on. And when you’re not. The key is to begin to trust yourself.

  • Permission to explore options. You probably do this when planning a vacation or buying a car so why not do it across the board? With your career options? With your juicy creative ideas? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain by simply exploring your options.

  • Permission to be yourself. Think about it. Aren’t the most interesting {and fulfilled} people those who have followed their unique path? Don’t you find it refreshing to talk with or read about someone who lives what may be considered an unconventional life or who has taken a divergent path? There is nothing more purposeful or natural than dropping the ‘shoulds’ and living in full-out authenticity.

  • Permission to fail. Oftentimes, our anxiety about putting ourselves out there is driven by our fear of failure. Taking healthy risks are necessary when it comes to getting ahead, and failure will only help you get to where you want to go. Give yourself permission to be imperfect.

  • Permission to be happy and sad. Celebrate when you’ve done something well. Genuinely accept compliments from others. Share your good news. It’s OK to give yourself the space to bask in your most joyful moments and be your biggest cheerleader! Know that you are allowed to be sad or feel hurt by things—you’re human. Emotion is inevitable, and no one feels happiness 24/7.

  • Permission to dream big and aim high. This means to live for the things you love so you can become who you want to be—not whom others expect you to be. There is nothing wrong with having goals and aspirations that others may consider “lofty.” How will you see your full potential if you don’t aim high?

    Giving yourself permission to see what you’re capable of is one of the most rewarding types of self-care.

Source: https://julielichty.com/authentic-life/power-giving-permission/

Source: https://www.success.com/give-yourself-permission-to-make-decisions/

In this video, Brene Brown shares with us why it is important to give ourselves permission slips within our lives. Brene Brown advocates for a more engaged society where we all feel courageous to contribute the things that we have to offer.

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In this week’s exercises, we will be looking into what holds you back from going for the things that you want to do and how to give yourself permission. Often we can hold ourselves back out of fear, and might not realise that we seek permission from other people to be creative and do what we want to do. 

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week 35 book


Our book inspiration this week is The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek.

Simon Sinek is an optimist. He believes in a bright future and our ability to build it together.
Sinek teaches leaders and organizations how to inspire people. With a bold goal to help build a world in which the vast majority of people go home every day feeling fulfilled by their work, Sinek is leading a movement to inspire people to do the things that inspire them.


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Couragemakers is a weekly podcast for creative and passionate,mission-driven doers, makers and world-shakers designed to inspire and encourage fellow couragemakers, and spark a movement of women who are choosing themselves. Building the life you want and putting stuff in the world takes a boatload of courage, but you don’t have to do it alone.