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Do you struggle with knowing how-to-write content for your creative business? 

As creative business owners, it can be hard to know how to write for your business. It can be hard to how to structure our workflow to create written content and follow through with our projects. It can be hard to know how to structure written content for your website and to know what topics to write about. 

In this workshop, we are diving into the world of writing for your business. We will be learning how to incorporate content creation and publishing into your working life right through to knowing what content to write for your business. Now more than ever, it is important to focus on the language that you use, and how your business comes across digitally. 

In this workshop, Heather McGarrigle will be helping us navigate how to write for our business and giving us tips to figure out what social media platforms are suitable for your creative business. 


The aim of this event is to help you gain knowledge of how to create written content for your business and learning how to incorporate content creation into your working life.

Heather will be sharing important tips on how to write content for your website and covering the importance of finding your voice in the content you create. 


In this workshop, Heather will be sharing a presentation of the topics we will be covering, following a Q&A session after. 

Topics we will be covering:

  • How to incorporate content creation and publishing into your working life by creating a content plan and calendar, batching content, and scheduling content 

  • How to decide what social media platforms to use for your creative business

  • How to structure and write content for your website

  • How to pick topics/decide what to write about for blogs, newsletters and social content - how to look at your business as a journalist to 'find the stories'; but also how to look at your business like a marketer and create content for every aspect of the customer journey. 

  • Finding your voice - creating content that sounds like you while maintaining the quality of content: the balance between authenticity 

  • Making your content go the extra mile - basically tips and good practice on how to repurpose content that you create


This is for anyone that has a creative business or brand and struggles with knowing how to write for their business. Whether you struggle with knowing what written content to create and publish, to knowing how to structure and write content for your website. 

We wanted to create an event where you can walk away with practical tools that you can apply and implement into your business. 

This event will be recorded for educational purposes.

This event will be facilitated by Heather McGarrigle


Bio of Heather McGarrigle 

 Heather McGarrigle is a qualified journalist and award-winning blogger with 15 years of experience in professional writing and content creation.

 She founded Quill Inc NI in 2015 and specialises in helping small businesses and creative sector organisations to find the right words for their written content, including blogs, websites, social media, newsletters and marketing materials. 

 Quill Inc NI services include planning, creating, scheduling, publishing and distributing content, as well as proofreading, editing, and updating or rewriting existing content.  Heather's approach is collaborative and follows journalistic principles to translate her clients' unique expertise and experience into original, high-quality, engaging content. 



Insta and Twitter: @quillincni