TapSOS is a non-verbal app to enable anyone to contact emergency services in a difficult situation.  The founder of TapSOS - Becca Hume - lives and breathes inclusivity, is curious about users, their behaviours and needs.  She questions and explores day-to-day activities in order to design functional products that are accessible and usable by a wide range of audiences.  The TapSOS app will be launching in March! The app will be available for both Android and iOS - free to download from both Play store and App store. 

We spoke with Becca about her innovative new business.

What is the current product you are working on and what problem does it resolve?

I am currently building and leading a team developing a product called TapSOS, a non-verbal method of contacting the Emergency Services.   We all know that engaging with the Emergency Services is often overwhelming. TapSOS is designed to eliminate this…. Designed in a highly visual manner through icons, you will be able to request the help you need, giving responders a more accurate understanding of how they can assist. 

“In a world where time is everything, a better emergency response can often mean the difference between life and death” BAPCO 

We are committed to delivering a more inclusive solution, allowing everyone to contact emergency services, without barriers.  

Do you use design thinking in your process and if so, in what way?

I’m sure I do use certain techniques that are considered as “design thinking” but I don’t purposely do them with the thought “oh I must use this technique as it is a great design thinking tool” …. However, my workspace is often covered in sticky-notes, I think this is a useful way to brain-dump ideas - it gives you the flexibility to get rid of some or move some to the top – prioritizing tasks and visions.  The best pieces of advice I’ve been given that have helped me along the journey are:

Say YES and shit your pants later


The first, coming from a mentor, and the latter, the motto of a business acceleration programme.  

Give 3 tips to people that are currently thinking of setting up a business but don't yet have an idea!

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself; some of the best ideas come to mind during the most random, unplanned times. Think blue sky, you can always reel it in later. 

Don’t be afraid to talk your ideas through with mentors or business advisors. This will really help to shape your thoughts and move you from procrastinating to doing! 

Give it a go – you won’t know until you try. I have heard many times that if you are going to fail, fail fast. Then you will be able to put that aside and move onto the next project, having gained valuable experience.